So, in an never ending mission to make my website bigger and better, I’ve implemented (work speak!) a new sub site of It’s an idea I’ve had for a while but was never able to do, because I didn’t have the tools. The site is a new photojournal blog, where I will only be uploading photos along with short captions. The idea is that I take one photo every day and post it online to this blog. After a while, the site will start to resemble a journal of sorts, documenting my daily life. This differs from the gallery in that it is based more on a timeline and isn’t just a huge collection of photos from a specfic event!
“What will the photos be of Miles?”, I hear you ask. Well, to be honest I’m not really sure. For the most part it would be cool if they could represent my daily life, but of course that could really be anything and many days the subject might not be that exciting. Exciting or not though, I think it’s importrant to keep doing it on a regular basis so as to form a complete series. Of course as with anything, there will be days where I forget, but I will attempt to catch up if I do.
The address for the site is but it can also be accesed directly from the new link in the right of the header of this site (my blog if you are reading this via RSS).
The tool in question that now allows me to do this is my new iPhone, and yes it is that cool and then some, but that’s the subject of a seperate post! The point is that with it’s built in camera and ability to publish directly to the web, I can be anywhere and take a photo and put it online immeditely!
I started posting photos on Monday, the day I picked up my iPhone so there are already some pictures there, go check it out!
Oh Technology! Why do I love thee so?!
Excellent news! I look forward to daily photos of: empty bottles of 20/20 (cola flavor); West Hollywood methadone clinic; and the sale rack at BestBuy.